Invisible Truths

An artistic exploration of perinatal mental health services
in Scotland

Our Experts by Experience group are a community of passionate individuals with lived experience of perinatal mental health issues. They use their collective voice to raise awareness and campaign for improved perinatal services across Scotland. Early in 2020, we decided to set about creating an artistic response to our experiences with a view to creating a body of work which would engage the public and policy makers alike, sparking conversations and shining a light on the state of perinatal mental health services in Scotland. We were fortunate to receive a grant from the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund, and quickly commenced the project, as a group of twelve, meeting monthly for creative sessions. Using a range of media, the artists from across Scotland have produced a body of work which depicts their journeys to recovery from perinatal mental illness. There are stories of despair and hope alike, with examples of supportive therapeutic relationships, as well as failings in care. The group have been extremely brave in sharing their stories, and we hope that this project will help towards improving care and service provision for the mothers of the future, their partners & families. 

Please take your time to browse the range of submissions from our artists

Exhibition Feedback

We’ve had an incredible response on social media following the launch of Invisible Truths, here’s what people have been saying about the project . . .

There are some incredibly powerful creative pieces here, and the messages shouldn’t go unnoticed!


Such powerful work via an array of creative mediums. Thank you to all the contributors for their strength. This will no doubt raise awareness in Scotland and beyond…


So poignant and powerful, parents’ voices and images need to be heard, seen and felt. Fantastic artistic response from MMHS Experts by Experience collective.


Powerful, inspiring and challenging project from MMHS about Scotland’s perinatal mental health services.


There are some really raw works of art here that beautifully convey what women have been experiencing mentally in Scotland, in the perinatal period.


Making invisible truths visible, through art and poetry.

One of the best explorations on perinatal mental health services, and what support looks like, that you will come across.


Especially (to me) the images are real & raw, conveying women’s pain, despair & frustration when services cannot meet their needs. Great work to enable them to express themselves & help others understand the experience.


Wow – the art on this MMHA website is beautiful yet heart-breaking. Such creative and powerful expressions of perinatal mental health difficulties.



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