Helen Sloan, Sharon McMenemy, MMHS Trustees and Laura Bennison, Change Agent, are currently visiting Malawi as part of the African Alliance for Maternal Mental Health project.
Day 1 – Blown away by the holistic mental health care and provision offered by the St John of God community in Malawi. Sharon and Laura pictured below.
Day 2 – Malawi Maternal Mental Health Partnership visit. Shared with pride the role & influence of our MMHS Change Agents in improving access and services for Women in Scotland. Helen. Sharon & Laura in group photo with colleagues below.
Day 3 – Wow …full house at our in-house training session, brilliant to meet SJOG staff, many on their rest day. In the pm we were humbled hearing the stories of the women (some travelled hours) sharing their story with our very own Laura B who nurtured them so beautifully
Day 4 – Set our very early to make the long hot journey to Zomba to the only government Mental Health hospital in Malawi. Full house again in the teaching session – showcased the @Scotland_Malawi case study film about living with Post Partum Psychosis in Malawi – a compelling watch. Picture below, Helen, Sharon & Laura in stylish MMHS T-Shirts 🙂
Day 5 – A day of mixed emotions. Walk round Zomba Mental Hospital we were struck by the challenges for both staff and patients. In Liwonde National park we saw some beautiful wildlife – shared our treehouse with some creepy crawlies. Pictures below, the Treehouse and the elephants having their morning drink!
Day 6 – Travelled to Cape Maclear on Lake Malawi for some well earned R & R. Felt like going through the wardrobe to Narnia – nice glass of wine serenaded on the beach by the local band singing The Gambler.
Days 7 & 8 – Spent travelling home, after 24 hours on the road we are literally on our last leg(s), we’re weary and emotional but determined to do our very upmost to improve the PMH for women, babies and families of Malawi.